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Adoption/Foster Application

This application will take 15-20 minutes to complete. All questions must be answered by the person intending to adopt/foster, to help us to assess the suitability of the animal for you.

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Name of the Owner
Where will the animal live?
Do you intend to adopt (permanent) or foster (short- to long-term)?
If you are interested in fostering, please indicate your preferred length of commitment:
What type, sex and size of animal do you wish to adopt?
Select all that apply
Are they sterilised/castrated?
Do you live in a house, apartment, mobile home, other?
Owned or Rented?
If you live in a house, is the garden fenced, thus not allowing the animal to get out, but allowing for him/her to stay in the garden, never on a chain or cubicle?
Will the animal have access to the inside of your house?
Anyone in the household allergic to fur or anyone who does not like animals?
What food are you going to give to this animal?
Where will the animal stay?
Next one to do is question 17
What will the living conditions be?
If not loose, how?
Will the animal have: Select all that apply)
Will the animal travel with you?
What happened to them?
If he or she runs away, will you be willing to let the Sanctuary know and do anything you need to locate the animal, no matter the costs and the involvement needed?
Do you agree to sending information and photos of the animal from time to time, on your own or when requested?
If there is any problem, do you agree to return the animal to the Sanctuary. You may not donate the animal to someone else without our approval.
Do you agree with a home visit by us so that we can check if you have the adequate conditions to have an animal?
Do you agree with a trial period of one or two weeks so that you are sure this is what you want?
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