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Address *
Post Code *
City *
CC/Passport No. *
Telephone *
Mobile *
Email *
If other, provide address
How many and what types of animals do you have? *
If no, why not?
If you have any more animals at home, is there enough room to prevent territorial fights? *
How will the introduction to the pack be? *
Why do you want to adopt an animal? *
Number of adults in the household. *
Number of children in the house and ages *
Number of rooms in the property *
Where will the animal sleep? *
Does everyone in the household agree with the adoption? If not, why? *
How much do you think you will spend a month to take care of the animal? Is that amount available in your budget? *
What will you do with the animal when you travel? *
What will you do if the animal runs off and gets lost? *
What will you do if you can’t have the animal any longer? What will happen to the animal if you should die? Is there allowance for the animal in your testament/will and if so, what is the allowance terms e.g. the animal will be euthanized on my death. *
How many animals have you had before (species and number)? *
Reason for deaths
Do you normally sterilize/castrate your animals? If no, why not? If yes, at what age? *
Do you normally vaccinate your animals? If no, why not? *
Do you normally microchip your animals? If no, why not? *
Do you normally deworm your animals? If no, why not? *
Veterinary clinic that you normally use. Will this vet be responsible for treating the new animal? *
How will you educate the animal knowing he may not learn the first time? What will you do if the animal bites anyone in the family, ruins something in the house or toilets someplace inappropriate? How will you react if the dog barks at night or when there is no one home (and the neighbors complain)? *
Are you willing to clean pee and poo, take the dog for walks, feed him or her at scheduled times, treat them when they are sick and pay attention and care for them? *
Will you be able to afford quality food, deworming, vaccination, castration and veterinarian assistance? What will you do if the animal gets sick or has an accident? *
If any one in the family gets pregnant, will the animal be treated the same way as before the pregnancy? *
If there is a child in the house, will you teach them that an animal is not a toy, that he or she feels pain and should be respected, avoiding any accidents? *
What is your position on letting dogs out for a walk on their own? *
On average, how many hours will the animal be alone in the house? If more than 6 hours, are you willing to enrich the environment with toys, walks before you leave and when you get home and/or hire a petsitter? *